
Considerations when looking for strong Storage Solutions

By Tamara

As organizations scale up, they handle an ever-increasing amount of information. Consequently, it has never been more crucial to have effective and secure data storage solutions in place. Our previous post on Strong (Data) Storage Solutions highlights that sto...

19.05.21 12:34 - Comment(s)

Strong (Data) Storage Solutions

By Tamara

Most businesses consider data to be one of the most treasured assets. Data provides statistics and essential facts to enhance business operations or measure external and internal business activities. Tim Berners-Lee, the World Wide Web inventor, said, “data is a precious thing and will last longer t...

28.04.21 16:54 - Comment(s)

Data Breaches in a post COVID-19 world

By Tamara

individuals. Enormous damage occurs when sensitive information is exposed. Even small vulnerabilities can lead to massive data breaches. Therefore, it is important to understand data breaches.
24.03.21 15:51 - Comment(s)

Protection of Business Secrets

By Tamara

Business secrets are a key value in the company and offer competitive advantages. With the implementation of the know-how guideline in the law against unfair competition the protection of business secrets has been taken into acco...

05.02.20 16:22 - Comment(s)

MyPy Technology Facts:  End-to-End Encryption

By Tamara

MyPrivacy uses a variety of proven state of the art algorithms and methods in combination with unique inventions, patents and developments. In this Blog called "MyPy Technology Facts", every component of the exceptional technology of MyPrivacy is described in an understandable way, i...

05.02.20 16:07 - Comment(s)